Deal with paint-ball suspect criticized

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FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2001

The Alaska Federation of Natives is planning to protest a plea agreement authorities in Anchorage made with a white male who will admit to attacking Alaska Natives with a paint ball gun.

Charles Deane Wiseman, 20, will plead guilty or no contest to three counts of misdemeanor assault, prosecutors said on Thursday. He was one of group of three white males who videotaped themselves targeting Alaska Native on the streets of Anchorage.

The other two are juveniles and the status of their case is not public.

Wiseman is expected to be sentenced August 31 and will be allowed to dispute making racist statements which have been recorded on tape.

Get the Story:
Paint ball victim wants to hear I'm sorry' (The Anchorage Daily News 7/20)
Suspect in paintball attack on Alaska Natives reaches plea agreement (AP 7/19)

Relevant Links:
Alaska Federation of Natives -
Alaska Commission on Tolerance -

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