Pequot meeting to take place

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MARCH 9, 2001

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Chairman Kenneth Reels on Thursday said the tribal council has agreed to meet with the leaders of three Connecticut towns who have been their biggest foes.

But the leaders of Ledyard, North Stonington, and Preston still might not show up if noted Indian law attorney Tom Tureen accompanies the tribe. The towns don't want any legal counsel present for the meeting and aren't planning on flying in their lawyers from Washington, DC.

The tribe has agreed to make the meeting public, however. It will take place on March 12 in Norwich, although the time has not yet been set.

The public can attend but only about 40 people, including tribal and town participants, are expected to be accomadated.

Get the Story:
Mashantuckets agree to meet with towns on land-trust issues (The New London Day 3/9)

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