Group calls for more housing funding

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JANUARY 12, 2001

On Thursday, the National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) called for a 40 percent increase in housing funding for Indian Country.

The increase would amount to approximately $450 million for a funding total of $1.1 billion. NAIHC says that there is an immediate need for housing units and that with low home ownership rates (30 percnet) and a majority of Indians living in substandard housing (70 percent), increased housing funding is the only solution.

The 1996 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act is up for reauthorization and the NAIHC has a current report that says 84 percent of federally recognized tribes support the Act. The Act allows for tribes to build housing projects in more flexible ways.

Get the Story:
Tribes need 210,000 housing units (Medill News Service 1/12)
American Indian group calls for increase in federal housing assistance (AP 1/11)

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