Native Vets bill passes House

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OCTOBER 13, 2000

Descendants of Alaska Natives who died in the Vietnam War between 1964 and 1974 can apply for an allotment under a bill just passed in the House of Representatives.

The bill would consider Alaska Natives who were killed during the war as having missed the opportunity to apply for the Alaska Native allotment program which began in 1906. That program closed with the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971.

The bill amends Section 101 of ANCSA to allow for the exception. It was introduced by Representative Don Young (R-Alaska) in April.

Get the Bill:
To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to clarify the process of allotments to Alaskan Natives who are veterans, and for other purposes (HR 4345)

Get the Story:
Native veterans to benefit from bill (AP 10/13)