Private audit criticizes salmon efforts

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An internal audit never made public criticizes the National Marine Fisheries Service for hampering efforts to recover endangered and threatened runs of salmon in the Pacific Northwest.

The draft was completed during the Clinton administration and included interviews with more than 34 government, tribal and industry leaders. According to an overwhelming majority, the NMFS, which is part of the Department of Commerce, has failed to colloborate efforts to save the salmon.

The agency says the draft was never finalized due to budget cuts. But steps have been taken to address its findings, said a spokesperson.

In related salmon news, Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber is asking Commerce Secretary Don Evans to appeal a federal court ruling that stripped the coho salmon of its "threatened" status.

Get the Story:
Fisheries service hurt salmon-recovery efforts, say number of officials (The Seattle Times 9/25)
Government is urged to appeal salmon ruling (AP 9/22)