Presidential election update

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DECEMBER 5, 2000

Do you even remember going to the polls? It seems like just yesterday. An update on the Presidential dispute...

The United States Supreme Court and a Florida court issued rulings on Monday which have Texas Governor George W. Bush jumping for joy but Vice President Al Gore trying for time.

First, the Supreme Court ordered the Florida Supreme Court to clarify its justification for extending the state's certification past its original deadline. Briefs are due today by 3PM at the court in response to the issue.

Then, Leon County Circuit Judge N. Sanders Sauls rejected a request by the Gore campaign to recount some 14,000 disputed ballots manually. Sauls said the Gore team did not meet the burden of proof for ordering a recount and said there was no evidence the outcome would change should a recount be conducted.

Although Gore is expected to appeal to the Florida Supreme Court, the time clock on his contest is running short. With the December 12 federally-imposed deadline for choosing the state's Electoral College votes fast approaching, there may not be enough time to count those disputed ballots should Gore prevail in his appeal.

Also, after the Florida Supreme Court clarfies its ruling, there is the open question of whether or not the Supreme Court will reverse or uphold it.

While the dispute has primarily focused on Florida, the Republican party in New Mexico has been pushing for canvassing boards in the state to look at potential undervotes. But the state's Attorney General said the certification there is complete, giving the state's five Electoral College votes to Gore.

Get the Supreme Court Order:
Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board et. al (US Sup Ct 531 US ___ 2000)

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