Clara Nomee voted out of office

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der=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%> Clara Nomee voted out of office
MAY 15, 2000

Its Monday morning and Clara Nomee is no longer in power of the Crow Tribe.

Or so they will say two months from now.

Residents and Crow from miles around descended on the Montana reservation this past weekend and voted five time tribal chair Clara Nomee out of of office on Saturday.

Elections for tribal chair and other government offices do not allow for absentee ballots, so Crow from as far away as New Mexico made the trek back home in order to register their opinion as to whom will next lead their tribe.

The contest had become heated ever since Nomee's conviction of theft had been largely upheld by a federal appeals court in April. A political and judicial battle between Nomee and opposing factions ensued. Had one tribal judge's order withstood all the hustle and bustle, Nomee would not have been able to run at all.

But the voters were the real decision makers this time.

Elected into the position of tribal chair is Clifford Bird in Ground, having received 1,975, or 67 percent, of the 3,305 total votes.

His running mates were also elected: Vincent Goes Ahead Jr. as Vice-Chairman, Tilton Old Bull, Sr. as Secretary, and Larny Little Owl as Vice-Secretary.

The new slate will take office on July 1.

Related Stories:
New Crow leaders face many challenges (Tribal Law 5/15)
Crow elections a time of feast (The Talking Circle 5/15)
Counting on Crow Votes (Tribal Law 5/12)
Nomee holds onto power (Tribal Law 4/21)
Judges fight over Nomee case (Tribal Law 4/19)
Nomee ousted from Crow council (Tribal Law 4/13)
Crow chairwoman to run again (Tribal Law 4/11)
Crow chairwoman's trial ends (Tribal Law 4/6)