FTC says violence made for children

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AUGUST 28, 2000

A draft report by the Federal Trade Commission says the entertainment industry is intentionally marketing violent material to children and teenagers, according to The Washington Post.

The report, which was commissioned by President Bill Clinton, isn't due to be released next month. The FTC and the Department of Justice conducted an investigation into violence and the media after several shootings at public schools nationwide.

Testimony on the report before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is expected.

Get the Story:
Violent Material Marketed To Youth (The Washington Post 8/27)

Related Documents from the Government:
President Clinton announces new study to examine the marketing of violent media to children (The White House 6/99)
Remarks by The President and Mrs. Clintion on Children, Violence, and Marketing (The White House 6/99)
Letter from The President to the Attorney General and Chair of the Federal Trade Commission (The White House 6/99)
FTC to Conduct Study on Marketing Practices Of Entertainment Industry (The FTC 6/99)

Relevant Links:
The Federal Trade Commission -
The Department of Justice -
The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation -