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Native America Calling: One fan’s vision to share his collection of Native music
Friday, July 5, 2024

One fan’s vision to share his collection of Native music
A Lakota man in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is developing an archive of music by Native American artists one record and cassette tape at a time.

Justis Brokenrope (Sicangu Lakota), founder of Wathéča Records, music curator, DJ, and educator, has already amassed a sizable collection of mostly folk, rock, blues, and country music by Native musicians. Now he’s converting a lot of that music to digital formats to give the music and the artists who created it new recognition

Along the way he’s expanding the conversation about the importance of Native languages.

In this encore presentation of Native America Calling, hear from Brokenrope about the passion driving his project.

native america calling
Native America Calling
Listen to Native America Calling every weekday at 1pm Eastern.
Alternate Links: Native Voice One | NAC