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Kevin Stitt
Kevin Stitt, a Republican and citizen of the Cherokee Nation, has served as governor of Oklahoma since January 2019. Photo: Shealah Craighead / White House
Republican governor celebrates victory in U.S. Supreme Court case
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta on June 29, 2022.

Gov. Kevin Stitt (R), Oklahoma
Today’s ruling is a clear victory for all four million Oklahomans, the state of Oklahoma, and the rule of law. I am heartened that the Supreme Court ruled in our favor, allowing Oklahoma to prosecute non-Natives who violate the law and protect Native victims. Since the Court’s 2020 McGirt decision, federal prosecutors have declined thousands of cases like Castro-Huerta, a non-Native who monstrously abused his 5-year old Native stepdaughter.

Justice has been delayed and denied to thousands of Native victims in our state for no reason other than their race. Now Oklahoma law enforcement can help uphold and enforce the law equally, as we have done for over a century.

This is a pivotal moment. For two years, as a fourth generation Oklahoman, member of the Cherokees, and Governor of the state of Oklahoma, I have been fighting for equal protection under the law for all citizens. Today our efforts proved worthwhile and the Court upheld that Indian country is part of a State, not separate from it.

I look forward to working with leaders across the state to join our efforts in combatting the criminal-justice crisis in Oklahoma following McGirt.

U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta
Syllabus | Opinion [Kavanaugh] | Dissent [Gorsuch] | Complete Document

U.S. Supreme Court Documents in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta
Questions Presented | Docket Sheet: No. 21-429 | Oral Argument Transcript | Day Call

Syllabus – Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta

Opinion [Kavanaugh] – Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta

Dissent [Gorsuch] – Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta

Full Document – Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta

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