Business Meeting to consider H.R.1688 and Oversight Hearing on “Voting Matters in Native Communities”
Posted: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
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Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Business Meeting to consider H.R.1688 & Oversight Hearing on “Voting Matters in Native Communities”
Wednesday, October 27 2021 – 02:30 PM Eastern
Location: Dirksen
Room Number: 628 Note: Video feed from Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will become active shortly before 2:30pm Eastern on October 27, 2021. The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, chaired by Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), holds a business meeting and an oversight hearing titled “Voting Matters in Native Communities.” Schatz and the committee will hear from tribal leaders and Native voting rights advocates about ongoing challenges to exercising the right to vote in Indian Country. They will also learn more about the less-formally documented Native Hawaiian voter experience. Prior to the oversight hearing, the committee will hold a business meeting on H.R.1688, the Native American Child Protection Act. The bill updates the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, which first became law in 1990 to help tribes and the federal government address child abuse in Indian Country amid reports of widespread victimization. The U.S. House of Representatives approved the measure on May 12.
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Nixon, Nevada The Honorable Fawn Sharp [PDF: Testimony]
National Congress of American Indians
Washington, DC The Honorable Julie Kitka [PDF: Testimony]
Alaska Federation of Natives
Anchorage, Alaska Professor Patty Ferguson-Bohnee [PDF: Testimony]
Indian Legal Clinic, Arizona State University
Phoenix, Arizona Ms. Jacqueline De Leon [PDF: Testimony]
Staff Attorney
Native American Rights Fund
Boulder, Colorado Mr. Nā’ālehu Anthony [PDF: Testimony]
Community Advocate & Principal
Palikū Films
Honolulu, Hawiii
Business Meeting to consider H.R.1688 & Oversight Hearing on “Voting Matters in Native Communities”
Wednesday, October 27 2021 – 02:30 PM Eastern
Location: Dirksen
Room Number: 628 Note: Video feed from Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will become active shortly before 2:30pm Eastern on October 27, 2021. The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, chaired by Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), holds a business meeting and an oversight hearing titled “Voting Matters in Native Communities.” Schatz and the committee will hear from tribal leaders and Native voting rights advocates about ongoing challenges to exercising the right to vote in Indian Country. They will also learn more about the less-formally documented Native Hawaiian voter experience. Prior to the oversight hearing, the committee will hold a business meeting on H.R.1688, the Native American Child Protection Act. The bill updates the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, which first became law in 1990 to help tribes and the federal government address child abuse in Indian Country amid reports of widespread victimization. The U.S. House of Representatives approved the measure on May 12.
Witness List
The Honorable Janet Davis [PDF: Testimony]Chairwoman
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Nixon, Nevada The Honorable Fawn Sharp [PDF: Testimony]
National Congress of American Indians
Washington, DC The Honorable Julie Kitka [PDF: Testimony]
Alaska Federation of Natives
Anchorage, Alaska Professor Patty Ferguson-Bohnee [PDF: Testimony]
Indian Legal Clinic, Arizona State University
Phoenix, Arizona Ms. Jacqueline De Leon [PDF: Testimony]
Staff Attorney
Native American Rights Fund
Boulder, Colorado Mr. Nā’ālehu Anthony [PDF: Testimony]
Community Advocate & Principal
Palikū Films
Honolulu, Hawiii
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Notice
Business Meeting to consider H.R.1688 & Oversight Hearing on “Voting Matters in Native Communities” (October 27, 2021)