Indianz.Com > News > Senate Committee on Indian Affairs reschedules hearing for Indian health and Native youth bills
Note: Video feed from Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will start shortly before 2:30pm Eastern on July 21, 2021.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs reschedules hearing for Indian health and Native youth bills
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs has rescheduled its hearing on Indian health and Native youth legislation.

The hearing was originally scheduled to take place on July 14. Due to “unforeseen circumstances,” it is now taking place on July 21.

Other than that, the agenda and witness list for the hearing is exactly the same. The list of bills follows:

S.1797, the Urban Indian Health Providers Facilities Improvement Act. The bill ensures that urban Indian providers across the nation can use existing resources for renovation, construction and expansions of their facilities.

S.1895, the Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Enhancement Act. The bill authorizes $3 billion for the Indian Health Service to meet water and wastewater infrastructure needs in tribal communities.

H.R.1688, the Native American Child Protection Act. The bill updates the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, which first became law in 1990 to help tribes and the federal government address child abuse in Indian Country amid reports of widespread victimization. The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.1688 on May 12.

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic
The Oklahoma City Indian Clinic hosted a series of COVID-19 vaccine events for members of the greater community in Oklahoma during the month of April 2021. Robyn Sunday-Allen, vice president of the National Congress of Urban Indian Health, serves as chief executive officer of OKCIC. Photo courtesy OKCIC

A panel of federal officials and Indian Country leaders will testify about the legislation. The witness list follows:

Mr. Randy Grinnell – [Testimony: PDF]
Deputy Director for Management Operations
Indian Health Service
Department of Health and Human Services
Rockville, Maryland

Ms. Heidi Todacheene – [Testimony: PDF]
Senior Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs
Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C.

The Honorable Jonathan Nez – [Testimony: PDF]
Navajo Nation
Window Rock, Arizona

The Honorable Gil Vigil – [Testimony: PDF]
National Indian Child Welfare Association
Portland, Oregon

Ms. Robyn Sunday-Allen – [Testimony: PDF]
Vice President
National Congress of Urban Indian Health
Washington, D.C.

The business meeting and legislative hearing take place at 2:30pm Eastern in Room 628 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Both will be webcast at

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Notice
Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 1797, S. 1895 & H.R. 1688 (July 21, 2021)