Indianz.Com > News > Elizabeth Cook-Lynn: The real truth about the Republican Party
A crowd chants “No More Trump” as a balloon depicting Donald Trump is inflated, then deflated, at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C., on November 7, 2020. Photo by Indianz.Com (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
It’s not just bad history; it’s a “cult
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

“They are sooo tribal,” smirks Meghan McCain from her very own protected pipeline (The View)  as she tries to criticize the GOP’s  stance on just about every useful and rational thing. She is a determined cultist but doesn’t know it.

This  above phrase was her response to the threat of her party in the process of ousting Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) from her assignment as Chair of the House Republican Conference, which seems to mean that McCain is defending her own kind. 

At one time both of these Daddy’s Girls belonged to the Republicans which was, we thought, a political party.   

Now, however it seems to have turned into a “cult” of people led by one man,   Donald Trump, a so called “charismatic” who has spent the past four years on “twitter” holding power over a now polarized senate. 

Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. Courtesy photo

Republicans are confused about the positions these two politicos have taken concerning their colleagues since any thinking person knows that such a polarized state of affairs that is now the GOP is a “cult”, no longer a governing body. 

The Grand Old Party has turned into a modern day death cult. And unless they find a way to agree that the party is finished as a governing body, they can’t really start over. I’ve been taught to believe in a two party system. 

McCain doesn’t seem to know the difference between a tribe which is a governing body and a cult which is a way to destroy a government. For her to call dissenters “a tribe” is to fail to understand what a governing body like a “tribe” really is. A tribe is a democracy, a government with signed treaties with other nations, and historical reality. Not a “cult”, not a movement, not “left”, not “right”. It is a way of life.

A cult is a dangerous, divisive collection of non-thinkers,   often religious, that thrives for the moment, sometimes forever!

I am not sure what Meghan McCain’s motives are in calling people names as she watches what her once respectable Republican party has revealed itself to be, but if she is hired to be a reliable commentator on a morning talk show, she has now revealed herself to be not only ignorant about “tribes”   and history, but to be an insidious racist, too. There so many here we don’t recognize them.  

In her home state, Arizona, notorious, too, for its crooked ways, we are not surprised.  The Heritage Foundation thrives there. Most of the members of that group, Meghan’s husband and her deceased father among them, have deep roots in American History’s racial domination.  

White supremacy is their comfort.


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Elizabeth Cook-Lynn is a retired Professor of Native Studies. She taught at Eastern Washington University and Arizona State University. She currently lives in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She has written 15 books in her field. One of her latest is Anti-Indianism in Modern America: A Voice from Tatekeya’s Earth, published by University of Illinois Press.

Note: Copyright permission Native Sun News Today