'I feel fine': Legendary activist Suzan Shown Harjo on living with COVID-19 (June 22, 2020)

Over the past two months, Suzan Shown Harjo has tested positive not just once, but twice, for the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Cronkite News: Native American groups address mental and behavioral health as COVID-19 wears on (June 22, 2020)

With COVID-19 taking an especially heavy toll on Native Americans, tribal leaders and mental health experts have stepped up efforts to address the emotional suffering brought on by ongoing lockdowns and so much loss.

Native Sun News Today: Healthcare employee claims illegal termination (June 22, 2020)

Ashley Forney, a citizen of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, was terminated after telling superiors about racism and hostility in the workforce.

Chuck Hoskin: Why I removed Confederate monuments from the Cherokee Capitol Grounds (June 22, 2020)

For the first time in more than a century, the Cherokee Nation will take full control over the images and symbols depicted on our historic Capitol Square.

Doug George-Kanentiio: We need African American allies to replace offensive mascots and statues (June 22, 2020)

The tragic fact is that of all ethnic groups this country's Indigenous people have the highest rate of death by cop.

Indian Health Service cites strides in era of COVID-19 as challenges linger (June 22, 2020)

The Indian Health Service has brought a troubled hospital back from the brink as the Trump administration challenges a ruling in a treaty rights case.

Tim Giago: You have to be carefully taught (June 22, 2020)

The national protests now taking place are clearly pointing out America’s duality in racial discrimination and justice.