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Native America Calling: Perspectives on the Mayflower 400 years later
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

It’s been four centuries since the Pilgrims stepped off the Mayflower onto the shores of present day Massachusetts.

The white, Christian Europeans established a colony at Plymouth and the rest is history. But it’s a one-sided history that too often omits the Indigenous experience outside of a revisionist Thanksgiving story.

This year, the Plymouth, Massachusetts, 400th Anniversary Commission is commemorating the shared history among the Wampanoag tribes and settlers. It’s an inclusive celebration with Wampanoag perspectives.

Native America Calling will look at how representation of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower has changed over the years and what perspectives still need to be voiced.

native america calling
Native America Calling
Listen to Native America Calling every weekday at 1pm Eastern.
Alternate Links: Native Voice One | NAC