Albert Bender: Hundreds demand immediate closing of concentration camps (July 22, 2019)

The American Indian Coalition held up signs that included 'No one is illegal on stolen land' and 'Close the fascist concentration death camps now.'

Tim Giago: Invite Lakota warriors to the buffalo roundup in South Dakota (July 22, 2019)

The Lakota people referred to the buffalo as their relative, either by brother or sister.

Indian Health Service faulted for closure of Rosebud Sioux emergency room (July 22, 2019)

The Indian Health Service cited 'staffing changes and limited resources' when shutting down a tribe's emergency room back in 2015. That wasn't the whole story.

Cronkite News: U.S. Senate race shaping up to be one of the most competitive (July 22, 2019)

If there was any question that Arizona’s 2020 Senate race would be one of the nation’s hottest, it was answered with an emphatic 'yes.'

Clara Caufield: So just what do 'old' Indian ladies talk about? (July 22, 2019)

For many Native Americans, growing old is not an option, but for those who do, it is a blessing.

Winnebago Tribe among the first to enter industrial hemp industry (July 22, 2019)

The Winnebago Tribe will soon become the first Indian nation in Nebraska to start planting hemp.

Winona LaDuke: The new smallpox blanket being offered to Indigenous peoples (July 22, 2019)

You can’t make this stuff up. At the end of the fossil fuel era, the plan is to transfer the liability to Native people.