Indian Country braces for Supreme Court decision in closely-watched case (June 26, 2019)

The nation's highest court made Indian Country wait a really, really long time for a decision in one of most consequential cases in recent history.

Bill John Baker: Cherokee Nation honored with name of new military ship (June 26, 2019)

Our Cherokee people have contributed in every major battle and war ever fought in this country and continue to serve in the Armed Forces in some of the highest rates per ethnicity.

Native Sun News Today: Native family loses custody of boy to non-Natives (June 26, 2019)

A family court decision in Pine Ridge in October 2017 failed to keep a boy in the home that he was being raised in.

House subcommittee takes testimony on tribal water settlement bills (June 26, 2019)

Water rights for the Navajo Nation, the Hualapai Tribe and Pueblo tribes are being taken up on Capitol Hill.

'It’s infuriating': Fake 'Cherokee' busineses land millions of dollars in contracts (June 26, 2019)

Businesses owned by fake 'Cherokee' entrepreneurs have landed more than $300 million in local, state and federal contracts.

Zenobia Jeffries Warfield: It's time for the United States to pay up (June 26, 2019)

A slavery reparations hearing on Juneteenth represented the result of centuries of work.

Cronkite News: Navajo scientist calls uranium mining a risk to tribal lands (June 26, 2019)

Including uranium on a list of 'critical minerals' opens the door to expedited mining that will put tribal lands and national parks at risk, lawmakers were told.