Appeals court appears skeptical of attack on tribal lending operation (May 8, 2019)

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals doesn't hear from Indian Country often but it was hard to tell as a closely-watched tribal case came up for consideration.

United South and Eastern Tribes: Indian Country can't be 'asleep at the wheel' (May 8, 2019)

Once again, encapsulated within a 24 word tweet today, President Trump has demonstrated his authentic disrespect and disregard towards Indian Country.

Mark Trahant: United States refuses to stand with Indigenous peoples on climate (May 8, 2019)

The Trump administration’s position on the Arctic raises so many questions about Indigenous governance (and knowledge).

'A Racial Slur': President Trump blamed for derailing passage of two pro-tribal bills (May 8, 2019)

A tweet about Pocahontas spooked Republicans on Capitol Hill. Indian Country was the loser.

Bill John Baker: The Not Invisible Act is vital to the safety of Native women (May 8, 2019)

Every Cherokee woman - every American Indian woman for that matter - has the absolute right to feel safe.

'An afterthought': Tribal consultation in doubt as Trump's reorganization rolls on (May 8, 2019)

The Trump administration claims its controversial reorganization won't apply to Indian Country. But tribes are still being affected by it.