Award-winning Native journalist arrested on charge of intoxicated driving (April 11, 2019)

Journalist Jenni Monet is facing charges of driving while intoxicated and resisting arrest in an incident she is blaming on racial profiling.

'Foxes guarding the hen house': Trump nominee confirmed at Indian Country's most important agency (April 11, 2019)

With David Bernhardt at the helm, the Department of the Interior has been one disaster after another, tribes and their advocates assert.

Indian Affairs hearing turns into Trump administration apology tour (April 11, 2019)

A hearing on community development in Indian Country turned into an apology tour for the Trump administration as a slate of officials were forced to explain why they turned in their testimony late.

Cronkite News: Telescope on sacred Apache site used for black hole project (April 11, 2019)

Eight telescopes around the world, including one on sacred Mount Graham in Arizona, were used to capture the first images of a black hole.

Mark Trahant: Native woman won't run for open U.S. Senate seat (April 11, 2019)

Deb Haaland is passing on a Senate run.