Alaska Natives on opposite sides of energy development in Arctic refuge (March 20, 2019)
A bill to block energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge exposes a long-running divide among Native peoples in Alaska.
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Tulalip Tribes elect Teri Gobin, daughter of longtime leader, as new chairwoman (March 20, 2019)
The Tulalip Tribes has a woman serving as chair for the only second time in history.
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Supreme Court upholds law denying bail to some undocumented immigrants (March 20, 2019)
Undocumented immigrants can be held without bail, possibly years after they have committed a deportable crime.
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Senate Committee on Indian Affairs focuses on public safety at field hearing (March 20, 2019)
Tribal, federal and state officials are testifying about public safety and drug enforcement at a field hearing in North Dakota.
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Gavin Clarkson: Indian Country should thank Donald Trump for Justice Gorsuch (March 20, 2019)
President Donald Trump has elevated a new champion for Indian Country to the Supreme Court.
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Native Sun News Today: Community comes together to talk about Indian inmates (March 20, 2019)
In South Dakota, 33 percent of the male prison population and 63 percent of the female prison population is Native American.
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