Timeline: Leadership Crisis at the Indian Health Service (February 6, 2019)
The Indian Health Service has been without a permanent leader for four years.
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Senate Committee on Indian Affairs advances more legislation in troubled climate (February 6, 2019)
After a somewhat disappointing start in the Trump era, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs continues to hit the ground running.
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Ivan Star Comes Out: Colonialism robbed Indian people of our land and culture (February 6, 2019)
Why do we, as members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, continue to endure needless suffering on and around the Pine Ridge Reservation?
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Native Sun News Today: Bill in South Dakota requires tribal consultation (February 6, 2019)
South Dakota Rep. Peri Pourier introduced a bill that would provide tribal oversight of cultural resources involved in state-permitted projects.
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Chris Winters: What did we expect from Trump's State of the Union? (February 6, 2019)
A clear alternative to the prevailing nihilism followed the president’s State of the Union address.
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Cronkite News: Indian Country's needs ignored in State of the Union (February 6, 2019)
'There was just no depth in regard to assisting us in Indian Country,' the vice president of the Navajo Nation said of Donald Trump's address to Congress.
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Mark Trahant: When the State of the Union was tragic for Indian Country (February 6, 2019)
President Trump proudly displays a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the architect of Indian removal, at the White House.
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