Indian Country organizations unite by calling for an end to #TrumpShutdown (January 10, 2019)
Eight inter-tribal organizations are calling on President Donald Trump and Congress to reopen the federal government.
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Ohkay Owingeh father murdered in apparent road rage incident (January 10, 2019)
A non-Indian man has been charged in connection with an apparent road rage incident at Ohkay Owingeh in northern New Mexico.
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'Shameful': Congress fails to take action on missing and murdered Indigenous women (January 10, 2019)
A candlelight vigil will call attention to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and the failure to address what has been called a national crisis.
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United South and Eastern Tribes: 'This shutdown must end now' (January 10, 2019)
We now find ourselves caught up in a political fight that fails to properly account for, honor, and respect this country’s first moral and ethical obligation.
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Nevada board endorses Shoshone name 'Doso Doyabi' for mountain (January 10, 2019)
Tribal nations are supporting a Shoshone language name for Nevada's third-tallest peak.
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Authorities investigate sexual assault of San Carlos Apache woman (January 10, 2019)
A comatose citizen of the San Carlos Apache Tribe was the victim of a sexual assault that resulted in her becoming impregnated.
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Native Sun News Today: Lakota student is serious about academics and athletics (January 10, 2019)
Alejandro Rama, a basketball standout at Red Cloud Indian School on the Pine Ridge Reservation, will be attending college on an academic scholarship.
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George Wilson: Character assassination is far too common on the reservation (January 10, 2019)
In the Oglala Sioux Tribe if you speak up and try to make a better life for the people you get blacklisted and slandered.
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Mark Trahant: Indian Country enters national emergency territory with #TrumpShutdown (January 10, 2019)
Friday is going to be a rough day for tribes and Indian organizations. They will not get paid what they are owed by the United States of America.
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