Leaders of the United South and Eastern Tribes are getting updates on dual taxation, Supreme Court cases, the Indian Health Service, Indian housing and the Administration for Native Americans as they wrap up Impact Week in DC. @USETINC pic.twitter.com/bYLQQcNMie
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Attorney Michael Willis: “Tribes have full taxation within their territory. Within your territory you have full tax jurisdiction.” But the problem of dual taxation arises because the Supreme Court has allowed states to tax certain activities on reservations. @USETINC pic.twitter.com/Xm0FC8IudW
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Dante Desiderio (Sappony), executive director of Native American Finance Officers Association @nafoaorg: “There are states that are balancing their budgets off the backs of tribes.” @USETINC pic.twitter.com/IR3XYgk24k
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Chief Lynn Malerba of the Mohegan Tribe raises one of the many problems of dual taxation in Indian Country: “The states are taxing tribes but they are not providing any services to the tribes. So it’s a net loss.” @USETINC pic.twitter.com/wVXq4GyLHU
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Leaders of the United South and Eastern Tribes are hearing about a case in Texas which struck down the Affordable Care Act. If the ruling stands, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act would also be invalidated & “tribes would be back at ground zero,” leaders were told. @USETINC pic.twitter.com/2MxIXDJgHZ
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
By the way: the federal judge assigned to the ACA / IHCIA case is the same one who struck down the Indian Child Welfare Act as unconstitutional. Both cases are on appeal to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. @USETINC
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Attorney Joel Williams (Cherokee) of Native American Rights Fund @NDNrights provides an update on the 3 Indian law cases argued before the US Supreme Court this term: “All of these cases address tribal treaty rights.” @USETINC pic.twitter.com/hs7DLcmrxd
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
The last time the Supreme Court dealt with tribal treaty rights in a significant way was two decades ago. Only 3 of those justices still sit on the court. "There's been significant turnover at the court since 1999," attorney Joel Williams (Cherokee) said. @USETINC
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Chris Buchanan of the Indian Health Service @IHSgov tells the United South and Eastern Tribes: “We can end the HIV epidemic in Indian Country by strategically focusing our efforts on communities most impacted.” @USETINC pic.twitter.com/TZN7vmpbJL
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Indian Health Service Principal Director Michael Weahkee visited the Blackfeet Nation last week to discuss the pediatrician who was convicted of abusing boys on the reservation. The doctor worked @IHSgov for years without being held accountable until the recent trial. @USETINC
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
There was no immediate mention of a similar meeting with the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The same @IHSgov doctor also worked on the Pine Ridge Reservation and is awaiting trial for abusing boys there as well. @USETINC
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
There was no immediate mention of a similar meeting with the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The same @IHSgov doctor also worked on the Pine Ridge Reservation and is awaiting trial for abusing boys there as well. @USETINC
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Remarks by Chris Buchanan of Indian Health Service @IHSgov to United South and Eastern Tribes here: @USETINC pic.twitter.com/rGPVGTCec0
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Chief Beverly Cook of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe @srm_tribe tells the Indian Health Service @IHSgov that Indian Country is being left behind: “We were largely excluded from the current iteration of the national HIV/AIDS strategy.” @USETINC pic.twitter.com/GsvdClWP8a
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Matthew Lohr, Chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Service @USDA_NRCS at the US Department of Agriculture @USDA, is providing an update to the United South and Eastern Tribes. He is a fifth generation farmer from Virginia. @USETINC pic.twitter.com/3hmdBBZC5F
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Patrice Kunesh of the Center for Indian Country Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, cites an alarming trend in Section 184 Indian housing loans. “93 percent of that funding…is off-reservation. It’s bypassing Indian Country.” See chart @USETINC pic.twitter.com/4OFqOVO8Co
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Tony Walters of National American Indian Housing Council @naihc_national shares some options for mortgage lending in Indian Country. Programs available at Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Veterans Affairs and even Department of Agriculture. @USETINC pic.twitter.com/eX9hsiJAzg
— indianz.com (@indianz) March 6, 2019
Twitter Recap: United South and Eastern Tribes continue Impact Week in DC (March 6, 2019)
United South and Eastern Tribes pledge unity amid uncertainty in the Trump era (March 4, 2019)
VIDEO: Rep. Deb Haaland addresses the United South and Eastern Tribes (March 4, 2019)
Twitter Recap: United South and Eastern Tribes open Impact Week meeting (March 4, 2019)