Character assassination is a favorite tool of the corrupt
By George WilsonNative Sun News Today Columnist I have written before on what I consider to be the greatest problem we have within our Tribal government and that is an acute lack of management experience, knowledge, and capability. I posit that the OST is a wealthy tribe, we have enormous resources and potential, but we are severely handicapped due to a lack of quality management people. I do not mean to unfairly criticize the individuals that are charged with managing our many programs and activities, it is not their fault, but I place the blame squarely upon the Tribal Council----people we elect to serve our people and our communities. These elected officials are not elected based on their skills or qualifications----it is basically a popularity contest and most are elected because of their status in their communities and often the numbers and status of their relatives. Many of these council reps, current and past, have been friends and relatives of mine and I have worked for 48 years at the highest levels of management in my tribe and other tribes so I will make a claim for having hands on knowledge. Most of these officials truly care about the people and most of them work hard to provide the best services they can but they are often unsuccessful due to the deeply rooted corruption that is built into the system. By that I mean there is so much money and so much power and way too little restraints or accountability. My first management job in Indian Country was Business Manager/Controller for the Lummi Nation in Washington State which was the cornerstone of my career and the lessons I learned in that job which I held for 3 years was invaluable. The first and most important lesson was – if you don’t know what you are doing find someone that does and listen to them. Our council reps do not believe in that lesson, they get elected, basically in a popularity contest, and they (most of them) instantly believe they are experts in everything. They do not seek experienced people to manage, they seek sycophants that have no choice but to agree with the bosses if they want to feed their families and pay their bills and most importantly they learn to keep their mouths shut. In our tribe if you speak up and try to make a better life for the people you get blacklisted and slandered. Character assassination is a favorite tool for the corrupt and powerful and they are very good at it.

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