Appeals court won't rule on challenge to Indian Child Welfare Act (August 7, 2018)

A federal appeals court has turned away a closely-watched conservative challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act.

A 'banana republic' no more? Nooksack Tribe claims turnaround on disenrollment drama (August 7, 2018)

The Nooksack Tribe is claiming victory in a long-running disenrollment dispute after a judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by a group of ousted citizens.

White Earth Nation citizen shot and killed by police officers (August 7, 2018)

William 'Billy' James Hughes, a citizen of the White Earth Nation, is the latest Native person to be killed at the hands of police.

Native fashion designer Patricia Michaels suffers setback with flood (August 7, 2018)

Native fashion designer Patricia Michaels is trying to get back on her feet after losing much of her work in a flood.

'She made me feel dumb and trashy': Women attacked for making choices (August 7, 2018)

Women who receive abortions and the doctors that provide the service have frequently come under attack.

'There's really no trust': Hopes for immigration reform fade away (August 7, 2018)

Just days after President Trump threatened to shut down the government if Congress does not act on immigration reform, Congress went on recess.

Arne Vainio: Young people belong to us and we need to support them (August 7, 2018)

It might be that quiet kid in the back of the classroom or it might be a long distance runner.