Republicans revive Indian energy measure with a more friendly president in office (September 11, 2017)
A controversial Indian energy bill that faced intense opposition during the Obama era is on the agenda again only this time it might get a friendlier reception from the White House.
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First Americans and New Americans come together to address shared concerns (September 11, 2017)
With immigration and border policies changing dramatically under President Trump, a unique event is seeking to bridge the divide between the first Americans and more recent arrivals.
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Cayuga Nation leaders win control of tribal assets as internal fight continues (September 11, 2017)
A leadership dispute within the Cayuga Nation appears to be far from settled despite intervention by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
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Camp on Yurok Reservation keeps tribal traditions alive for newer generations (September 11, 2017)
David Severns, a citizen of the Yurok Tribe, is keeping his people's traditions alive at a camp held on the reservation in northern California.
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Authorities in Brazil open investigation into reported 'genocide' of isolated tribe (September 11, 2017)
Federal prosecutors are looking into a reported 'genocide' at an isolated tribal community in the Amazons of Brazil.
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'Acting' Trump administration officials testify about 'high risk' tribal programs (September 11, 2017)
Nine months into the Trump administration and Indian Country still doesn't know who will be advocating for tribal interests at the federal level.
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Doug George-Kanentiio: Indian Country Today failed because it was a business (September 11, 2017)
The problems with Indian Country Today can be traced to its decision to leave Lakota territory and move to offices in central New York and then to an office in Manhattan.
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Senate Committee on Indian Affairs set to advance three bills at business meeting (September 11, 2017)
Federal recognition for tribes in Virginia, economic development for tribes in Oregon and housing for Native veterans are on the agenda for the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.
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James Giago Davies: A tribute to the late Oglala veteran and author Ed McGaa (September 11, 2017)
Last month, my friend Ed McGaa set out on his final journey, a journey touched upon many times in the books he wrote about Lakota spirituality.
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Native Sun News Today: Dogs go from partners to pests in tribal communities (September 11, 2017)
How did the dog, long known as a partner in many tribal societies, become the pest?
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Mark Trahant: Indian Country is strong when media in Indian Country is strong (September 11, 2017)
Some of the best days in Indian Country occurred during periods of a vigorous and independent press.
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