Tohono O'odham Nation reaffirms opposition to wall along border (January 26, 2017)
The tribe was not consulted by President Donald Trump before he ordered a wall to be build through the reservation.
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Another slow start for House committee in charge of tribal affairs (January 26, 2017)
Having Republicans in control of Congress hasn't resulted in much progress for Indian Country's legislative agenda, at least on the House side of Capitol Hill.
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Apache attorney elected as chair of Arizona elections commission (January 26, 2017)
Steve Titla is the first Native person to lead the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission.
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Mississippi Choctaw group seeks ouster of Chief Phyllis Anderson (January 26, 2017)
Tribal citizens say their leader is handing out jobs to political allies and being irresponsible with their finances.
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Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal Tribune: Tribe launches new project with USDA (January 26, 2017)
The new partnership will establish a demonstration farm on Tribal lands in Oklahoma to showcase the effectiveness of soil health practices.
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Judge calls unexpected hearing after President Trump's Dakota Access push (January 26, 2017)
Chairman Dave Archambault II of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has asked President Donald Trump for a meeting.
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Jake Tracy: Send in your comments on the Dakota Access Pipeline (January 26, 2017)
Things look bleak, but it’s unclear whether President Donald Trump’s Dakota Access order will actually have any effect.
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Tracy Loeffelholz Dunn: Some vow to stay at #NoDAPL camp site (January 26, 2017)
It’s been months of freezing cold and dark days at the Standing Rock encampments on the North Dakota plains.
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Steven Newcomb: System of domination still being used against our nations (January 26, 2017)
'The assumed right and reality system of domination remains disguised.'
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James Giago Davies: Why the American health care system stinks (January 26, 2017)
I’m still kicking despite the fact that the Indian Health Service almost killed me once, not out of an honest mistake, but because the emergency room doctor was dismissive, insulting, indifferent, and sent me home with Salmonella poisoning.
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Native Sun News Today: Northern Cheyenne life span falling short (January 26, 2017)
The average American life expectancy is 78 while Northern Cheyenne’s is potentially 55.
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