First Nation still in shock as young couple shot to death on reserve (August 1, 2016)
Dylan Laboucan, 17, and Cory Grey, 19, were planning a future together, family members from the Whitefish Lake First Nation said.
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Nominations sought for open position on NAGPRA review committee (August 1, 2016)
The new member of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee must be a traditional Indian religious leader.
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Civil Rights Commission sets briefing on border town discrimination (August 1, 2016)
The Montana Advisory Committee will hear from tribal leaders and other officials about discrimination faced by Native Americans in Montana's largest city.
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Nooksack Tribe ignores court orders as disenrollment dispute stalls (August 1, 2016)
Chairman Bob Kelly said the Nooksack Tribal Court of Appeals can't tell the tribe what to do.
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Federal criminal investigation ongoing into Gold King Mine disaster (August 1, 2016)
A spill at an abandoned mine in Colorado polluted the waters on three reservations in August 2015.
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Justice Department to investigate fatal shooting of Navajo woman by police officer (August 1, 2016)
Loreal Tsingine, a 27-year-old mother, was shot and killed in Winslow, Arizona, a community near the reservation border.
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John McCain denounces Donald Trump but won't withdraw support (August 1, 2016)
Controversy has erupted over the Republican presidential nominees comments about an Iraqi war hero and his family.
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Dina Gilio-Whitaker: Healing from colonization of indigenous peoples (August 1, 2016)
As Native people we are no strangers to grief.
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Chukchansi Tribe threatens to remove rivals from membership rolls (August 1, 2016)
The rivals are accused of belonging to more than one tribe but it looks like they are being targeted for forming their own council.
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Editorial: Bears Ears in Utah deserves protection as new monument (August 1, 2016)
Preserving Bears Ears is important not just to New Mexico or to the Four Corners area or to the state of Utah.
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Janine Pease: Our Indian children in Montana continue to fall behind (August 1, 2016)
The Kids Count Data Book helps us understand our families’ status and improve our children’s life opportunities for their strong and healthy futures.
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Cronkite News: Indian Country seeks voice in the next White House (August 1, 2016)
Edward Manuel ticks off the issues – water shortages, federal approval of mining projects, allocation of scarce resources – all decisions made with what he thinks is insufficient input from the nation’s tribes.
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Vi Waln: Let's honor the memory of our lost children by being good to each other (August 1, 2016)
All week, I’ve felt the overwhelming sadness of the Lakota Oyate.
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Native Sun News: Oglala brothers were South Dakota's best boxers (August 1, 2016)
The Lonehill brothers, Edgar and Hobart, may have been the best two boxers South Dakota ever produced.
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Lakota Country Times: Blaze destroys Native-owned grocery store (August 1, 2016)
A store owned by a local Lakota family burned to the ground in the town of Whiteclay, Nebraska.
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Tim Giago: The Navajo Times celebrates another year of greatness (August 1, 2016)
The Navajo Times is a microcosm of the media in Indian Country.
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Mark Trahant: Sky's the limit for new generation of women leaders (August 1, 2016)
Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of the Democratic Party’s nomination for president sent a message that traveled far beyond the convention hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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Steven Newcomb: Scratching the surface on the basis of Indian law (August 1, 2016)
Even stone silence can speak volumes of denial, and raises a central question for certain members of the federal Indian law community.
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Pamela Peters: Leaving the Navajo Nation helped me find purpose (August 1, 2016)
As a very young child, it didn’t occur to me to question my family’s bi-cultural way of my life.
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