Bureau of Indian Affairs seeks comments on model juvenile code (February 29, 2016)
The BIA intends to finalize the Model Indian Juvenile Code before the end of the Obama administration.
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Las Vegas Paiute Tribe plans to enter medical marijuana industry (February 29, 2016)
The tribe broke ground on a medical dispensary on its reservation in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada, and a separate facility on its reservation northwest of the city.
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Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to testify at House budget hearing (February 29, 2016)
The budget includes $2.9 billion for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, $140.4 million for the Office of
the Special Trustee for American Indians and $217 million for Indian Country water programs at the Bureau of Reclamation.
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President Barack Obama signs another Miami Nation bill into law (February 29, 2016)
H.R.487 allows the tribe to sell, transfer or lease non-trust lands without running afoul of the Non-Intercourse Act.
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Gyasi Ross appears on Democracy Now! to discuss 2016 election (February 29, 2016)
The author and attorney said none of the presidential candidates, Republican or Democrat, should take the Native vote for granted.
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Editorial: Quality of Indian Health Service is a scandal in Montana (February 29, 2016)
The program is underfunded, and local clinics often run out of money before the end of the fiscal year.
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James Pepper Henry: Gilcrease Museum showcases tribal artists (February 29, 2016)
Given my family and cultural ties to the area, and personal connection to Gilcrease, the opportunity to return to Oklahoma and work for this amazing institution was not to be missed.
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Nicole Charky: Digging deeper into my Seneca roots in New York (February 29, 2016)
For me, and my mother's side of my family, we have always wondered what life was like for our Native American ancestors, the ones left dead by an entire generation of people.
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Daniel Wildcat: Haskell University deserves adequate resources (February 29, 2016)
Haskell has endured many hardships. She stands like a grand old lady forgotten, neglected and disrespected.
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Aaron Payment: Tribal sovereignty hangs in the balance at Supreme Court (February 29, 2016)
Today, some U.S. Senators are threatening to turn their backs on Constitutional requirements to hold hearings to consider the President’s nominee for U.S. Supreme Court.
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Mark Trahant: Rethinking governance amid a messy election fight (February 29, 2016)
If Trump is the Republican nominee where do Republicans and true-believing conservatives go? Who will they vote for, a Democrat?
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Native Sun News: Author Ehana-mani shares tribal star knowledge (February 29, 2016)
Ehana-mani’s knowledge of the origin of man transcends the listener to the outer edges of the Universe into the Pleiades Star systems.
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Girl found safe after reported abduction on Fort Peck Reservation (February 29, 2016)
A 20-year-old man is facing a kidnapping charge in tribal court and could face additional charges in connection with the disappearance of the four-year-old girl.
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Hillary Clinton wins another state as campaigns head to big vote (February 29, 2016)
The Democratic and Republican candidates are turning their attention to one of the biggest days of the election cycle: the Super Tuesday primaries.
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Terese Marie Mailhot: On a journey to decolonize my Native body (February 29, 2016)
My memories feel stolen like the land, stripped like the languages, and entrapped like the bones of our ancestors in government storage.
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Steve Russell: Looking for an unbiased justice on Supreme Court (February 29, 2016)
When President Obama puts forward a nominee to replace Justice Scalia, Indians would do well to inquire of other Indians living in the nominee’s legal stomping grounds whether the nominee’s biases run for us or against us.
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Andre Cramblit: Watching my son grow too quickly into adulthood (February 29, 2016)
These days I often tell new parents to relish every moment, the good, the bad and the ugly for they are memories to be cherished.
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