Pamunkey Tribe wins IBIA decision in favor of federal recognition (February 1, 2016)
The Virginia-based Pamunkey Tribe is set to become the 567th federally recognized tribe in the United States.
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Witness list for Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing into IHS (February 1, 2016)
Tribal representatives from the Great Plains Area will be joined by former Sen. Byron Dorgaon in discussing problems at the Indian Health Service.
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Mary Annette Pember: Oglala man runs grocery store in Whiteclay (February 1, 2016)
Terry Two Bull’s guacamole is so good that people are willing to lie for it it.
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BIA publishes list of federally recognized tribes on schedule again (February 1, 2016)
The list contains the names of 556 federally-recognized tribes, the same number as last year.
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Leadership of Chukchansi Tribe appears solid after IBIA decision (February 1, 2016)
Rival factions have been clashing for years but a decision by the Bureau of Indian Affairs nearly two years ago helped lead the tribe back to stability.
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Muscogee Nation looking to sign Cobell land buy-back agreement (February 1, 2016)
The tribe would only be the third in Oklahoma to participate in the Land Buy-Back
Program for Tribal Nations.
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Sonny Skyhawk plans to wear war bonnet on red carpet for Oscars (February 1, 2016)
The Rosebud Sioux citizen is apparently the first and only Native American member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
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Nailah Harper-Malveaux named as one of 'New Student Activists' (February 1, 2016)
Nailah Harper-Malveaux is a daughter of Ambassador Keith Harper, a member of the Cherokee Nation.
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Famed Indian ballerina Yvonne Chouteau passes on at age of 86 (February 1, 2016)
Yvonne Chouteau rose to fame in the 1940s and performed with some of the most prestigious dance groups in the world.
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Indian gang member accused of running drug ring from prison cell (February 1, 2016)
Cody McClendon used a contraband cell phone to arrange the distribution and sale of methamphetamine through phone calls, text messages and even Facebook.
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Mato Standing Soldier: Sorry but Indian mascots are unacceptable (February 1, 2016)
Because Indian mascots put us in a historical box and continue to harm our children, I believe they must be abolished.
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Native Sun News: Human traffickers target Native women and girls (February 1, 2016)
The 21-minute documentary 'Chosen' was featured at a Community Awareness Night event sponsored by the South Dakota West River Human Trafficking Task Force.
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Opinion: A year of opportunities for Indian Country on Capitol Hill (February 1, 2016)
Forecasting the 2016 legislative agenda requires the use of something like a political Rorschach Test.
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Mike Myers: A landmark decision for the future of Native children (February 1, 2016)
The really good news is that this is a legally binding decision, one that cannot be easily avoided or brushed off by the federal or provincial governments.
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Terese Marie Mailhot: Native people revel in our contrary natures (February 1, 2016)
I simply want to revel in the beauty of our crazy culture and its future.
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