Senate Indian Affairs Committee expands look into 'substandard' care at Indian Health Service (January 22, 2016)
Lawmakers and staff are convening a listening session to hear from tribal members across Indian Country in addition to looking at the Great Plains Area of the IHS.
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NMAI in DC closes doors as East Coast prepares for major storm (January 22, 2016)
The museum in the nation's capital will remain closed over the weekend while the Thunderbird Social at the facility in New York City has been postponed.
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Senate Indian Affairs Committee schedules business meeting for two water rights bills (January 22, 2016)
The water rights of the Blackfeet Nation of Montana and the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians in California are on the agenda.
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Lyle Denniston: Supreme Court seems more sympathetic to Omaha Tribe in reservation boundary case (January 22, 2016)
The case got its start when the tribe — with approval of the federal government — decided to regulate liquor sales on the reservation.
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Tribes reiterate bid for national monument at Bears Ears in Utah (January 22, 2016)
Republicans finally unveiled a draft bill that addresses federal land issues in Utah but tribes say their concerns are being ignored.
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Fort Belknap Tribes ask county for voting offices on reservation (January 22, 2016)
As part of the Wandering Medicine case, three counties in Montana are supposed to provide services to tribal members so they can exercise their voting rights in their own communities.
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Stephanie Woodard: Native voters turned away in North Dakota (January 22, 2016)
The Native plaintiffs say the restrictions, passed by the North Dakota legislature in 2013 and tightened further in 2015, disproportionately burden and even disenfranchise Native American voters.
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Steve Russell: Cherokee citizens upset with death of beloved elk (January 22, 2016)
The Cherokee Nation is having a Cecil the Lion moment, and the outrage in Tahlequah is palpable.
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Andrew Rosenthal: Armed group pulls stunt with tribal artifacts (January 22, 2016)
The Bundy gang’s staged pronouncements about American values, pioneer history and the sacred rights of landowners are offensive.
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EPA asserts a greater role as water crisis in Michigan continues (January 22, 2016)
Extremely high levels of lead have been detected in the city's water system, posing a danger to human lives.
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Elizabeth Cook-Lynn: An honest appraisal of tribal-state relations (January 22, 2016)
Why are we dedicated to go down this road with state influences into tribal affairs any further? Indian institutions need support, not 'take overs.'
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Native Sun News: Rep. Kristi Noem tackles sex and human trafficking in Indian Country (January 22, 2016)
Native Sun News interviewed Rep. Noem regarding her work in human and sex trafficking.
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Steven Newcomb: Religious metaphors diminish original nations (January 22, 2016)
The purpose of that U.S. reality system is enrichment through the appropriation of untold riches and wealth to be gained by the American Empire taking over the lands and resources of our original nations by overrunning our territories.
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