South Dakota Legislature to hear first State of the Tribes address (January 8, 2016)
Chairman Harold Frazier of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe will deliver the inaugural speech to a joint session of lawmakers on January 14.
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Crow Tribe blames Obama's energy policy for employee furloughs (January 8, 2016)
An estimated 100 employees will be out of work as the tribe tries to address a budget crisis linked to a drop in coal revenues.
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Tribes awarded $5.9M to combat homelessness among veterans (January 8, 2016)
The 26 tribal recipients will be able to meet the specific needs of their warriors by providing them with rental vouchers from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and services from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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Saginaw Chippewa Tribe probes allegations of abuse at school (January 8, 2016)
A parent and a teacher are alleging child abuse and a cover-up at the Sasiwaans Immersion School.
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BIA pulls all inmates from troubled detention center in Montana (January 8, 2016)
The Two Rivers Regional Detention Facility was receiving inmates from 18 tribes in multiple states until the contract ended in October 2015.
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BIA officer's handgun was stolen and used in murder in Montana (January 8, 2016)
A special agent left his personal firearm in his service vehicle and it was later used in a homicide in Billings.
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Gyasi Ross: Crazy White people have turned into the new Indians (January 8, 2016)
When I hear these silly and hairy militia men in Oregon talk about the government taking 'their land,' my first thought is 'take a number.'
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Jacqueline Keeler: Paiute ancestors were forced on Trail of Tears (January 8, 2016)
Scratch the surface of any land issues in the United States, especially in the West, and you are confronted with persisting and strong land claims held by Native nations.
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Federal agencies closed offices in Oregon amid safety concerns (January 8, 2016)
The Bureau of Indian Affairs has remained open because the agency that serves the Burns Paiute Tribe is more than 200 miles from the site of the armed takeover.
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Barack Obama: We all bear responsibility to reduce gun violence (January 8, 2016)
The epidemic of gun violence in our country is a crisis.
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James Giago Davies: Skin can get pretty thin in Lakota Country (January 8, 2016)
People have noticed my column is not like the other opinion columns, and they may see that as a negative.
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Native Sun News: Cheyenne youth retrace journey of ancestors (January 8, 2016)
An experience that is said to transform the lives of the youth that participate is scheduled to begin this week at Crawford Community Center near Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
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Peter d'Errico: Armed White men invade tribal territory in Oregon (January 8, 2016)
So here we are today: An armed group of white men wants to 'reclaim public land for the people.'
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