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Native Sun News Today: Republican lawmaker won't agree to tribal issues debate

Rep, Kristi Noem (R-South Dakota) with youth from the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe. "Good to spend a little time with these young tribal leaders from Flandreau this week! Glad we could show you around the Capitol too!" Noem wrote on Twitter on September 29, 2016.

Kristi Noem declines request for tribal-themed debate
By Richie Richards
Native Sun News Today Staff Writer

RAPID CITY –– After nearly a month of email exchanges with Kristi For Congress’ campaign spokesman, Justin Brasell, Native Sun News Today was given notice Representative Noem had declined the request for a tribal-themed debate with Candidate Paula Hawks.

On September 16, NSNT had requested, via email, to host and moderate a debate with both candidates for the House of Representatives after learning Representative Noem had not responded to Paula Hawks’ challenge for a reservation-based debate to discuss tribal issues in South Dakota.

In the request U.S. House Candidate Paula Hawks said, “Tribal communities are often ignored and neglected by politicians. That’s why I made it a point to visit all nine of South Dakota Indian reservations during this campaign. Questions need to be answered regarding a host of issues in Indian country… The tribes need to hear directly from us how we hope to stop the near total breakdown in federal governmental services in these communities and provide substantially better representation in Congress on their behalf.”

Native Sun News Today had requested both camps to consider a Native American-themed debate to be held in Rapid City, with the intention of inviting Native American media outlets as well as local television stations and non-Native print media to cover the debate.

Hawks enthusiastically answered NSNT’s request during the Black Hills Form and Press Club meeting on Sept. 16, with a “Hell yeah!”.

“Thanks for the invitation. Let me look into that and get back to you,” Brasell had responded by email on the same day. This began several weeks of email exchanges, including a plea from Tim Giago – owner and founder of NSNT.

Read the rest of the story on the Native Sun News Today website: Kristi Noem declines request for tribal-themed debate

(Contact Richie Richards at

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