
Ivan Star Comes Out: 'Tribal' laws based on system of imperialism

Ivan F. Star Comes Out. Photo from Native Sun News

Modern ‘tribal’ law endorses federal imperialism
By Ivan F. Star Comes Out

As a modern Lakota society, we must realize that we were not militarily defeated. It should be common knowledge by now that our ancestors fought tooth and nail and died for their way of life including this tiny piece of land we now call home. The fact that we are losing our language and culture today is a direct result of the relentless imperialistic tyranny our ancestors endured.

Those ancient laws were based largely on natural or inherent rights. The ancient teachings which were the very foundation of their existence, their spirituality, are now greatly diminished. What we have today are hardly more than fragmented semblances of what once was. However, this situation doesn’t have to be.

Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council Fires) descendants must absolutely realize the historical fact that this new government (United States) sought wholeheartedly to increase its size by force (war) and failed. In other words, it could not kill all the “Indians.” So then it implemented the most brutal and inhumane methods known to mankind to force our ancestors to submit to its rule.

Awkwardly, “tribal” police were established to enforce and maintain the new order over the Lakota people. Even the name Oglala Sioux Tribe is federal. It established law, specifically 42 U.S. Code 13743, which legally defines Native peoples as “a tribe, band, pueblo, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians, including Alaska Native Village.”

In common English, this means that such a group must be federally recognized in order to exist. So, the Oceti Sakowin descendants residing on small fragments of their treaty lands are totally subject to federal law or rule. Additionally, they must assent and submit to remain eligible for relevant federal benefits. This was accomplished without “Indian” consent, a human rights violation.

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Modern ‘tribal’ law endorses federal imperialism

(Contact Ivan F. Star Comes Out at POB 147, Oglala, SD 58764, (605) 867-2448 or mato_nasula2@outlook.com)

Copyright permission Native Sun News

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