A sign welcomes visitors to Cochiti Pueblo in New Mexico. Photo by Pueblo de Cochiti
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is holding a legislative hearing on Wednesday. Five bills are on the agenda. They are:
• S.2205, the Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Act. The bill establishes a grant program for tribal healing to wellness courts.The hearing takes place immediately following a business meeting at 2:15pm in Room 628 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. The witness list follows:
• S.2421, a bill to convey Indian Health Service properties to the Tanana Tribal Council and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation, both in Alaska. A similar bill for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation cleared Congress in October.
• S.2564, the Dine College Act. The bill modernizes prior legislation relating to Dine College on the Navajo Nation.
• S.2643, the Pueblo de Cochiti Self-Governance Act. The bill addresses a settlement agreement between Cochiti Pueblo in New Mexico and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
• S.2717, the Dam Repairs and Improvements for Tribes Act (DRIFT ACT). The bill improves flood prevention and dam safety in Indian Country.
Mr. Michael S. BlackCommittee Notices:
Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. The Honorable Nicholas Garcia
Governor, Pueblo de Cochiti, Cochiti Pueblo, NM The Honorable Paul W. Day
Chief Judge, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, Cass Lake, MN Dr. Martin M. Ahumada
Interim President, Dine College, Tsaile, AZ Ms. Julie Roberts-Hyslop
Vice Chair, Tanana Tribal Council, Tanana, AK
Accompanied by: Mr. Robert Clark
President and CEO, Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation, Dillingham, AK
Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on the following bills (April 13, 2016)
Business Meeting to authorize the issuance of a subpoena to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, to testify before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, on April 22, 2016, in Phoenix, AZ. (April 13, 2016) Related Stories:
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs schedules hearing on 5 bills (4/4)
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