The Tigua Social Dance Group performs regularly at the Tigua Social Dance Group in El Paso, New Mexico. Photo from Facebook
The Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, also known as the Tigua Tribe, will be represented at an event featuring Pope Francis. The Tigua Social Dance Group will open the musical portion of the Two Nations One Faith event at the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Texas, on February 17. Attendees will watch a simulcast of Pope Francis as he performs a mass across the border in Juarez, Mexico. They also will receive a papal blessing. "We are thrilled to announce a Sun Bowl blessing from Pope Francis. What a unique opportunity for our residents and visitors to El Paso. Together, we will experience this incredible moment of faith that transcends borders and demonstrates to the world that we are one community, 'Two Nations, One Faith,'" Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of the Diocese of El Paso said in a press release. Pope Francis, who is from Argentina, made his first visit to the United States last September and included members of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe from California during a mass in Washington, D.C. He did not directly address the Catholic Church's mistreatment of Native Americans. Get the Story:
Catholic leaders: El Paso faithful to receive papal blessing (AP 2/1)
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