Native American Children's Safety Act clears House and Senate (June 1, 2015)
The bill requires background checks of all adults in a home where foster children are placed.
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Senate passes bill to create commission to study Native youth (June 1, 2015)
The Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children will produce recommendations to improve the lives of young Native Americans.
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House passes bill to help Miami Nation with outdated charter (June 1, 2015)
H.R.533 revokes a charter that was approved under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act in 1940.
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Miccosukee Tribe secures first NCLB waiver in Indian Country (June 1, 2015)
The Miccosukee Indian School in Florida integrates tribal culture and language into the curriculum.
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Student from Pit River Tribe sues for eagle feather at graduation (June 1, 2015)
Christian Titman, who is due to graduate this wee, was given an eagle feather by his father and grandfather
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Robert Jumper: Eastern Cherokee youth show great leadership (June 1, 2015)
During the month of May, the Junaluska Leadership Council hosted several candidate forums for the elected offices that will be the focus of a primary on June 4.
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Energy Department to host tribal renewable energy workshop (June 1, 2015)
Chris Deschene, a member of the Navajo Nation who is the new director of the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, will be at the event in Oklahoma.
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Oneida Nation leaders unanimously back marriage equality law (June 1, 2015)
The new law defines marriage as a union between two "spouses" -- regardless of gender.
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Mayor forced to return gift of eagle feather to Blackfeet Nation (June 1, 2015)
The tribe had given the feather to Mayor Michael Winters of Great Falls during a Memorial Day ceremony.
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Opinion: BIA politicizes placement of Indian children in new rule (June 1, 2015)
We have no idea if AI/AN children adopted out of culture have worse outcomes than those adopted within their culture.
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Mark Trahant: Critics take aim at BIA land-into-trust approvals (June 1, 2015)
Congress clearly intended the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act to make it easier for tribes to reacquire land and place that land into trust.
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Vincent Armenta: Setting the record straight on land-into-trust (June 1, 2015)
The goal of the Indian Reorganization Act’s is to increase tribal lands, restoring a small fraction of land that was stolen through history.
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Editorial: Washington students will benefit from tribal knowledge (June 1, 2015)
The Class of 2016 will be the first to benefit from two state laws — one will improve their understanding of government and their role as citizens; the other will improve their knowledge of local indigenous, or Native American, history and governance.
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Ruben Rosario: Heroin brings devastation to Indian communities (June 1, 2015)
Of American Indian babies delivered at Bemidji Hospital -- which serves the White Earth, Leech Lake and Red Lake reservations -- 80 percent are born addicted to heroin and other drugs.
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Phillip Lestenkof and Myron Melovidov: Native fishery threatened (June 1, 2015)
Our home, the island of Saint Paul in the Pribilof Islands, is located in the central Bering Sea in the heart of the nation’s richest commercial fisheries.
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Valentin Lopez: Amah Mutsun Tribe works to preserve our land (June 1, 2015)
As many county residents know, our Amah Mutsun Tribal Band supports the establishment of the national monument at the Coast Dairies property.
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Tex Hall joins company to promote marijuana in Indian Country (June 1, 2015)
Native American Organics will help tribes explore legal medicinal and recreational uses for the drug.
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Erin Grace: Ride from Santee Sioux to Crow Creek honors women (June 1, 2015)
Members of the vast Dakota Sioux diaspora met on a gray Memorial Day to remember a series of events that occurred 152 years ago: a war, an imprisonment, a mass execution and an expulsion from an ancestral home.
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Steve Inskeep: Cherokee chief John Ross was civil rights pioneer (June 1, 2015)
John Ross fought for his rights with tactics that perfectly prefigured America’s 20th-century civil rights battles.
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Terese Marie Mailhot: Indian Country needs allies -- not saviors (June 1, 2015)
It's heartening to see people outside of our communities care about an issue that has plagued us, but I wonder why The New York Times gives more credence to a Non-Native than it would give to a voice who is either Native or has been a Native ally.
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Brandon Ecoffey: Native voters face a simple choice in Rapid City (June 1, 2015)
The upcoming mayoral election in Rapid City, South Dakota may likely come down to the Native American vote.
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Native Sun News: Ledger art honors Lakota and Maori warriors (June 1, 2015)
The humble spirit of an artist is defined by the gifts they give to others and many circumvent the focus from themselves. An artist gives themselves to others.
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Gregory Smithers: Same-sex marriage within Cherokee culture (June 1, 2015)
There’s no question that gay rights and same-sex marriage will continue to stir debate in Indian Country, as it does throughout the United States.
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