Museum named after famed Pueblo woman artist closes doors (April 15, 2015)
The Pablita Velarde Museum of Indian Women in the Arts was the only facility in the U.S. devoted solely to Native women artists.
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Judge Judy chooses reservation school for graduation speech (April 15, 2015)
Alexus Uentillie, a young member of the Navajo Nation, submitted the winning essay in a national contest.
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Quick justice for assault of woman on Chitimacha Reservation (April 15, 2015)
A non-Indian man pleaded guilty to one count of assault for attacking and injuring a tribal member in January.
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WBUR: Reporter discusses youth suicide in Oglala Sioux Tribe (April 15, 2015)
Since December, seven young people -- including a 12-year-old -- have committed suicide on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
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Editorial: Agua Caliente Band can help ease tensions over land (April 15, 2015)
The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and the community of Palm Springs have a history that has seen its share of ups and downs.
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Bill introduced in Senate to support placing a woman on $20 bill (April 15, 2015)
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) said she was inspired by the Women on 20s campaign, which has named Cherokee Nation Wilma Mankiller as a potential candidate for the paper bill.
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Indian arts organization seeks replacement for top executive (April 15, 2015)
The Southwestern Association for Indian Arts needs a chief development officer to replace an executive whose resignation came after some upheaval last year.
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Navajo Nation signs buy-back cooperative agreement with DOI (April 15, 2015)
President Ben Shelly said the tribe's participation in the Land Buy-Back Program will prevent allotments from being sold to private interests.
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DOI issues $10.5M in offers on Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (April 15, 2015)
More than 1,500 landowners have until June 8 to decide whether they want to accept the money in exchange for their fractional interests.
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National Park Service releases eight grants for NAGPRA efforts (April 15, 2015)
The grants were awarded to tribes in Alaska, California, Michigan and Oklahoma.
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Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes host honoring for Suzan Shown Harjo (April 15, 2015)
The homecoming celebration takes place at the Concho Community Hall in Concho, Oklahoma, on Friday.
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Lakota Country Times: Oglala Sioux district endorses marijuana (April 15, 2015)
In what could be a first step towards legalization of marijuana on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation the Wounded Knee district passed a motion that legalizes the sale of medicinal and recreational marijuana as well as industrialized hemp.
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Dana Lone Elk: Francis Pumpkin Seed always had a bright smile (April 15, 2015)
I was so saddened to hear of this brother's passing last week because of all the encouragement he brought to those behind the tiopa maza, iron door.
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Mark Trahant: Millions of Native Americans wait on health care (April 15, 2015)
The best case for Medicaid expansion in Alaska is being delivered by Valerie Davidson.
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Stephen Pevar: Tribes and families fight back with ICWA lawsuit (April 15, 2015)
Over the last four years alone, more than 500 Indian children were forcibly removed from their homes by state officials in Pennington County, South Dakota.
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Obama to visit city near Sisseton Wahpeton Reservation in May (April 15, 2015)
The trip to South Dakota means the president will have visited all 50 states during his time in the Oval Office.
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Native Sun News: Former police chief runs for mayor in Rapid City (April 15, 2015)
Mayor Sam Kooiker has a new opponent in the mayoral race; he is the former Rapid City Police Chief Steve Allender.
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Native Sun News: Candidates to debate on tribal college campus (April 15, 2015)
Mayor Sam Kooiker and Candidate Steve Allender, have agreed to a Native Sun News mayoral debate and Oglala Lakota College has been chosen as the sight to host the event.
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Paul Moorehead: Tribes need greater control over their lands (April 15, 2015)
Having lost hundreds of millions of acres of land to allotment and tax auction, sale, fraud and federal chicanery beginning in the late 1880s, Indian tribes have ever since been on a decades-long mission to acquire and reconsolidate their once-mighty land holdings.
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