San Carlos Apache Tribe leads 40-mile march for sacred site (February 6, 2015)
Participants will gather at Oak Flat for a prayer ceremony and other events.
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Susanville woman seeks court order to block husband's burial (February 6, 2015)
The mortuary refused to bring Jean LaMarr's husband back to California and now he's on the Navajo Nation, awaiting burial there.
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Men from Crow Tribe cited for hunt on treaty lands in Wyoming (February 6, 2015)
The three men are accused of illegal poaching in the Bighorn Mountains.
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Lorraine Loomis: Eating fish shouldn't be risky for Washington (February 6, 2015)
Gov. Jay Inslee wants to change the cancer risk rate used to set state water quality standards from 1 in 1 million to 1 in 100,000.
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Suquamish Tribe to rebury remains uncovered three years ago (February 6, 2015)
The homeowners didn't report the discovery because they didn't want to deal with the situation.
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Editorial: Use tribal tax revenues for Oklahoma Indian museum (February 6, 2015)
Of the $80 million needed to finish the project, $40 million in private funding has been pledged if the state comes up with the remaining $40 million.
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Fort Sill Apache Tribe still running into obstacles in New Mexico (February 6, 2015)
Lawmakers blocked two bills to treat the tribe like others in the state.
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Skull reportedly from Gettysburg turns out to be Indian person (February 6, 2015)
The skull was part of a collection that was due to be auctioned last year
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Jon Edwards: Racist attitude in Rapid City is far from imaginary (February 6, 2015)
It is very real, this attitude that one person’s skin color is superior to another person’s.
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AIANTA: Acoma Pueblo potter Mary Lowden shares life stories (February 6, 2015)
Mary Lowden’s figures tell the stories of her life and the life of her village at Acoma Pueblo.
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Native Sun News: Loan spurs business at Cheyenne River Sioux (February 6, 2015)
The Four Bands Community Fund is on a mission to create economic opportunity by helping people build strong and sustainable small businesses and increase their financial capability to create assets and wealth.
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Delphine Red Shirt: Lakota children are called little sacred ones (February 6, 2015)
In all of life's cruelest moments, the worse is child abuse in any form.
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Mark Trahant: Our national soap opera -- the Affordable Care Act (February 6, 2015)
The Affordable Care Act is like a national soap opera that should rivet any audience. Will the law survive?
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Peter d'Errico: A mistake with sainthood for Indian mission figure (February 6, 2015)
Junipero Serra fits the classic model of a Christian missionary: hard at work to 'save' the Indians, as well as their lands, from rival empires.
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