Winnebago Tribe chooses eight in special election for council

Leaders of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska met for a council meeting on October 7, 2015. Photo from Facebook

Members of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska participated in a historic election on Tuesday.

Voters chose eight people to serve on the council. The special election marked the first time so many seats were up for grabs and it followed a short period of turmoil in which the tribe's longtime chairman, John Blackhawk, resigned and several others quit or were forced out.

"Our tribe has been through a lot of changes in the last year,” Chairwoman Darla LaPointe said at the swearing-in ceremony for the council on Wednesday, The Sioux City Journal reported. “It was hard at times, and I think each one of us knows that. I will continue to do my best to serve the people of this community and tribe.”

LaPointe, whose seat was not up for election, retained her leadership position of the tribe at the first meeting of the council on Wednesday.

Joining LaPointe on the council are five incumbents: Vincent Bass, Victoria Kitcheyan, James Snow, Kenneth Mallory and James Louis LaRose. Isaac Smith, Curtis St. Cyr and Frank White are newcomers.

Get the Story:
New Winnebago Tribe leadership wants to strengthen community (The Sioux City Journal 10/8)
New Era for Winnebago Tribal Council (KMEG 10/7)
Newly elected Winnebago Tribal Council looks to the future after swearing in ceremony (KTIV 10/7)
Winnebago Tribe elects 5 incumbents, 3 newcomers to council (The Sioux City Journal 10/7)
Winnebago voters pick eight people to serve on tribal council in special election (KCAU 10/7)
Winnebago Tribal Council Elections Results (KMEG 10/6)

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