The sacred San Francisco Peaks in Arizona. Photo by Tyler finvold / Wikipedia
The Hopi Tribe and the city of Flagstaff, Arizona, are nearing a settlement over the use of wastewater at the sacred San Francisco Peaks. The tribe sued the city for signing a five-year contract to supply treated sewage to the Arizona Snowbowl, a privately-owned ski resort. The facility uses the wastewater to make fake snow. The city extended the contract for another 20 years and authorized a higher volume of wastewater to be sent to the resort, The Arizona Daily Sun reported in March. The changes were adopted without public comment or consultation with the tribes that hold the San Francisco Peaks as a place of worship and the home of spiritual beings. "The City and the Hopi Tribe are working towards a settlement of the lawsuit and are optimistic about the possibility of a resolution of the claim," the city said in a litigation update. "All of the parties to the lawsuit recently agreed to stay the litigation for at least 60 days as the negotiations continue. The court granted that request in order to allow time to explore resolutions and draft a settlement agreement. Any settlement will be subject to city council approval. Get the Story:
Flagstaff, Hopi Tribe work toward settlement of lawsuit (AP 6/16)
City of Flagstaff, Hopi Tribe Work Toward Settlement Of Lawsuit (KNAU 6/16)
Flagstaff, Hopi Tribe Near Settlement On Reclaimed Water At Snowbowl (KAFF 6/15)
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