Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Photo from Twitter
An appropriations bill that will be considered this morning prevents the Bureau of Indian Affairs from implementing the Part 83 reforms to the federal recognition process. The BIA has finalized the rule but it hasn't been made public. Nevertheless, lawmakers don't want the agency spending any money to "implement, administer, or enforce" it. The Part 83 reforms offered two changes that generated significant controversy. One is that petitioning groups only have to provide documents dating back to 1934 as opposed to time of first contact. The proposal also allows groups that already went through the process to apply again. But interested parties would have been able to object, something that may make it impossible for certain tribes to submit another petition. It's not clear whether those provisions made it into the final rule but Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn, the head of the BIA, hinted that the second one was not included when asked about the issue at a House hearing in April. The House Appropriations Committee will markup the bill this morning at 10:15am. The session will be webcast. Get the Story:
Fed Recognition New Rule Attacked in Interior’s Appropriations Bill (Indian Country Today 6/16)
Senators fear budget standoff may sink spending bills (E&E Daily 6/16) Interior Appropriations Bill Documents:
FY 2016 Interior and Environment Bill - Full Committee Draft | FY 2016 Interior and Environment Bill - Draft Committee Report Committee Notice:
Full Committee Markup - FY 2016 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill (June 16, 2015) Federal Register Notices:
Federal Acknowledgment of American Indian Tribes (July 30, 2014)
Federal Acknowledgment of American Indian Tribes (May 29, 2014) Part 83 Reform Documents:
Proposed Rule | Press Release | Comparison Chart (comparing current rule to proposed rule) | Response to Comments on June 2013 Discussion Draft | Frequently Asked Questions
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