Education | Opinion

Dave Archambault: No more excuses for Indian education failures

Dave Archambault, Sr. Still image from TEDx Talks / YouTube

Riding a dead horse
By Dave Archambault Sr.

On Feb. 2, 2015, Governor Dennis Daugaard issued an Executive Order creating an advisory board to explore alternative schooling models for possible use in the education of Indian children.

Melody Schopp, the State’s Education Director, made a statement owning up to the facts for such action by the Governor. “It is time for the State of South Dakota to own this problem and seek solutions for it.”

The strategy to seek solutions comes from the historic low levels of educational attainment in the regular K-12 apparatus at Indian public or the federal government’s BIE schools.

For over a century data flows from these schools that clearly indicating the Indian populations in America aren’t getting much utility from the educational experience.

The evidential research that confirms this on-going story comes from studies such as the National Assessment of Education Progress, (NAEP - 2013).

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Riding a dead horse

(Dave Archambault Sr., is a Hunkpapa Lakota and education consultant from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.)

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