
Tim Giago: A voice from the land of the Northern Cheyenne

From the battlefields to the bingo halls, together we go, a cartoon for the Native Sun News

A voice from the land of the Northern Cheyenne
By Tim Giago
Editor Emeritus
Native Sun News

Clara Caufield is what the Lakota would call an “Iyeska” or as misinterpreted, a mixed blood. Of course Iyeska was the Lakota word for “translator or interpreter” and it became a reference to mixed blood simply because most of the “translators” were of mixed blood, usually half French and half Lakota or Dakota.

Clara was raised on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Montana. Like most of us raised on the different Indian reservations in America she was kicked from pillar to post before discovering her passion in journalism. She settled into it and started a small newspaper called A Cheyenne Voice which she publishes out of her home on the reservation.

Ms. Caufield started writing for the Native Sun News simply because she wanted to expand her field. Her news coverage of the Northern Cheyenne and her weekly column which is often very personal in nature has been a great addition to the Native Sun News.

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: A voice from the land of the Northern Cheyenne

(The Editorial Board of Native Sun News can be reached at editor@nsweekly.com)

Copyright permission Native Sun News

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