
Tim Giago: Fond memories of youth on Pine Ridge Reservation

Tim Giago. Photo by Talli Nauman

I remember Kyle
By Tim Giago

Kyle, on the Pine Ridge Reservation, was my hometown and it was a place where everybody felt safe. It was a place where all of the kids could go to Kyle Dam and spend the entire day and our folks wouldn’t worry one bit.

I had a lot of friends at Kyle. There was my immediate family as playmates, my brother Tony and my sisters Mary Jane, Sophie, Ethel, Lillian and the baby Shirley. Mary Jane would join the WACS in 1941 and report to San Antonio, Texas for basic training.

Billy and Johnny Bear lived down the hill from me and “Dutch” Apple and Albert Janis, plus the Garnette boys, "Heavy" and "Frosty," and their sister Elizabeth, always stopped to visit and stay awhile when they were in town.

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(Tim Giago, an Oglala Lakota, was born, raised and educated on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard in the Class of 1991 and founder of The Lakota Times and Indian Country Today newspapers. He founded and was the first president of the Native American Journalists Association. He can be reached at unitysodak1@vastbb.net)

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