
Native Sun News: Native American Day parade makes history

Tim Giago, riding with his wife, Jackie, inspired Governor Michelson to declare Native American Day in South Dakota in 1990.

City's Native American Day Parade makes history
By Richie Richards
Native Sun News Staff Writer

RAPID CITY –– Hundreds of families lined the streets of downtown Rapid City on Saturday morning for the Celebrating Native American Day Parade to support the 55 floats in celebration of the South Dakota State holiday.

The theme of this year’s parade was “All Children Are Sacred” and that was apparent by the many Native American and non-Native children present to honor the indigenous people of South Dakota and around the country.

The parade included participants and floats from Rapid City Regional Hospital, Sioux San Hospital, Western Dakota Tech, Wambli Ska Drum and Dance Society, Democracy in Action, Oceti Sakowin Ambassadors, and many dressed in traditional clothing.

First place winner Danielle Whirl Wind Horse for Original Float.

Visit the all new Native Sun News website for the full story: City's Native American Day Parade makes history

(Contact Richie Richards at

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