The PRNewswire screen in New York City displays Chairman Cedric Cromwell of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Photo from United South and Eastern Tribes / Facebook
President Bryan Patterson of the United South and Eastern Tribes congratulates the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe in Massachusetts for winning approval of its land-into-trust application:
As the Mashpee people celebrate this historic moment, know that USET is joyous and is celebrating along with the Mashpee people. This truly is a moment for all of Indian Country to revel as the actions of Mashpee exemplify perseverance and will. Through your example, the Mashpee have once again demonstrated that Indian Country can achieve anything. The Mashpee have again demonstrated that we are only as sovereign as we act; sovereignty and the pursuit of justice and righteousness in action! While you celebrate in this moment, we also know that this is only a beginning for the Mashpee, not the end. Through continued strong leadership, vision, dedication, and commitment, we are excited by what is yet to come. USET looks forward to continuing our commitment to working together and expanding the strength, courage, and integrity you and the Mashpee Wampanoag People have demonstrated to advance a time honored tradition of allegiance and dedication.Get the Story:
Brian Patterson: Congratulations to Mashpee Wampanoag from USET (Indian Country Today 9/27) Also Today:
Cromwell's quest defines man behind message (The Cape Cod Times 9/27) Relevant Documents:
Chairman Cedric Cromwell Announcement | Mashpee Wampanoag Trbe Press Release | Bureau of Indian Affairs Press Release | Assistant Secretary Kevin Washburn Letter to Chairman Cedric Cromwell | Record of Decision | Attachment I - Legal Descriptions | Attachment II - Maps | Attachment III - Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan | Attachment IV - Response to Comments on the Final Environmental Impact Statement Federal Register Notices:
Land Acquisitions; Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (September 25, 2015)
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Fee-to-Trust Transfer of Property and Subsequent Development of a Resort/Hotel and Ancillary Facilities in the City of Taunton, MA and Tribal Government Facilities in the Town of Mashpee, MA by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe (September 5, 2014)
Land Acquisitions: Appeals of Land Acquisition Decisions (November 13, 2013) DOI Solicitor Opinion:
M-37029: The Meaning of "Under Federal Jurisdiction" for Purposes of the Indian Reorganization Act (March 12, 2014) Related Stories:
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