A caribou in the Southern Selkirk Mountains in Idaho. Photo from USFWS
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho signed an agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the last wild herd of caribou in the Lower 48 states. The tribe will prepare a draft recovery plan for the South Selkirk Mountains herd. The herd migrates through Kootenai territory and is down to just 14 animals "This is a good example of government participation that saves costs and achieves conservation more efficiently and effectively,” Chairman Gary Aitken, Jr. said in a press release. The tribe will use $35,000 to develop the plan. Get the Story:
Kootenai Tribe takes on caribou recovery (The Spokesman Review 8/29)
Tribe Takes Lead in Saving Reindeer Herd in Rocky Mountains (Reuters 8/29)
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