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Rosebud Sioux Tribe rounds up dogs in response to fatal attack

Julia Charging Whirldwind. Photo from Facebook

The Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota started rounding up stray and wild dogs after a woman was fatally attacked over the weekend.

Julia Charging Whirlwind, 49, was killed by a pack of dogs on Saturday morning. A volunteer firefighter who responded to the scene said the incident, sadly, wasn't uncommon.

“This is like the fourth time this had happened,” Derek Clairmont told South Dakota Public Broadcasting. A council member also said a man was attacked on Sunday.

"It happens all over the reservation," Alvin Bettelyoun told KELO.

Acting President Willie Kindle quickly signed a notice stating that all dogs must be tied up or secured. Rangers started going around the reservation to identify, capture and put down stray and wild dogs.

Charging Whirlwind was a mother of five. She was walking home from her sister's house when the attack occurred.

"She was my best friend, my sister," Robin Clairmont told KOTA.

Get the Story:
Lakota Woman Killed In Rosebud Dog Attack (South Dakota Public Broadcasting 3/17)
South Dakota reservation rounds up feral dogs after fatal attack (Reuters 3/17)
Could dog attack have been prevented? (KOTA 3/17)
Rosebud Dog Control Goes Beyond Reservation Lines (KELO 3/17)
Rosebud Community Shocked By Fatal Dog Attack (KELO 3/16)
Mother of 5 Killed by Wild Dogs on SD's Rosebud Reservation (KSFY 3/16)
Mother Of Five Killed By A Pack Of Wild Dogs On The Rosebud Reservation (KCSR 3/16)
49-Year-Old Woman Killed by Pack of Wild Rez Dogs on the Rosebud Indian Reservation (Native News Online 3/14)

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