The Squaxin Island Tribal Center. Photo from SIT
The Interior Department signed cooperative agreements with two Washington tribes as part of the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations. The agreements detail how the Squaxin Island Tribe and the Swinomish Tribe will help implement the program. The tribes will facilitate outreach and education on their reservations. "The success of the Buy-Back Program hinges on tribal leadership, tribal participation, and tribal facilitation,” Deputy Secretary Michael Connor said in a press release. “We must work together to ensure that landowners are given the information they need to make informed decisions about their land through this voluntary program. We look forward to working with the Squaxin Island Tribe and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community to take advantage of this historic opportunity to strengthen tribal sovereignty by supporting the consolidation of tribal lands for the benefit of each tribal nation.” DOI has already made $1.5 million in offers to 600 landowners at Squaxin Island. “Buying back our homelands has been a tribal goal and an emphasis during my 28 plus years as a council member,” Chairman David Lopeman said. The Swinomish Tribe is new to the effort. Offers are expected to go out to landowners this year. “Our Swinomish reservation is not a large reservation, but our people face the same challenges brought about by fractionation as other tribes, no matter their size,” Chairman Brian Cladoosby said. The $3.4 billion Cobell settlement provided $1.9 billion for Indian landowners who want to sell their fractionated interests. DOI will pay "fair market value" as required by the Indian Land Consolidation Act. Since the program started in winter 2013, DOI has concluded nearly $330 million in transactions with individual landowners. Nearly 540,000 acres have been returned to tribal ownership. Get the Story:
Press Release: Interior Signs Cooperative Agreements with Two Tribal Nations in Washington State to Reduce Land Ownership Fractionation in Indian Country (DOI 1/13)
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